Earlier this month we posted a blog, ‘Five over Four’, outlining the five reasons we believe our five-day A Level Science Practical Endorsement better serves learners than the four-day courses offered by most other providers. We also threw in a couple more for good measure, not least the fact all of our courses are delivered in term-time, allowing you to focus on one of the most important things in life … enjoying the ‘holidays’ with family and friends.
Well, we’re happy to announce there’s yet another compelling reason to sit your A Level Science Practical’s with arc exams & BioGrad Education in our dedicated Birmingham laboratory.
28 days prior to your course commencing, you will be given access to a series of videos demonstrating the 12 subject practical’s you will carry out during the five-day practical’s course. All videos have been produced ‘in-house’ by BioGrad staff and are only available to candidates who have enrolled and paid for their CPAC course(s).
The benefit of these videos is clear. For any candidate with little or no experience in a laboratory setting or, for anyone unsure of what to expect during the course, these videos provide a fabulous introduction and insight to the practical’s you will be carrying out under the close supervision of BioGrad Education tutors. We’re confident that viewing these videos, prior to attending your course, will immeasurably enhance your A Level Science Practical’s experience.
To book your A Level Science examinations and Practical’s, and any other subjects you wish to sit, simply complete our online application form here.
If you have any questions regarding any aspect of your examination requirements feel free to email us or, alternatively, speak to one of the arc exams team on 0121 777 9444.
We look forward to welcoming you to arc exams.