
arc exams are acutely aware that examination costs, borne by parents who have elected to Home Educate their children and private candidates who receive no subsidy, are a significant cost to bear. This is why we carefully consider, annually review and price all of our examinations and supplementary fees to ensure they are transparent, competitive and provide value for money.

Want to know the cost of our exams?

view Fees List

When setting examination entry fees we take many factors into consideration; The number of examination papers sat for each specification, the time allowance for each paper, expected candidate/invigilator ratios, speaking test requirements, if required, and whether any non-examined assessment is involved.  We also standardise each subject entry fee, irrespective of the Awarding Organisations (AO) entered with and the fee they charge us for making the entry with them.

To ensure you pay the lowest fee possible we invite all applicants to submit their examination entries prior to the entry deadline for the relevant examination series as specified in our Fees List. Late entry will result in increased fees to offset the additional charges levied by the Awarding Organisation (AO) and the costs of administering said late entries.

A unique feature of arc exams Fees List is a ‘specification link’. AO specification numbers, over 400 in total, are quoted against each level/subject that arc exams offer. Simply click on any of the specification codes to automatically access the AO website area detailing a wealth of useful information pertaining to that specification (Syllabus Content, Support Materials, Past Papers etc)

Our Fees List also includes links to scheduled Examination Timetables for each AO, detailing exam dates/sessions for each subject paper, enabling you to plan and prepare for any assessments and avoid clashes with any events you may be planning.

If there is any qualification/subject you are looking for that is not listed please get in touch, we’ll always endeavour to assist you wherever possible.