awarding organisation
exam timetables

All Awarding Organisations (AOs) publish examination timetables well in advance of exams taking place.  They typically detail examinations by Subject/Paper, identifying the date the exam will take place and whether it will be held in the morning or afternoon.  Some AOs also provide additional examination timetables listed by chronological dates.  If you are viewing CAIE’s timetable, please note that the UK is in Administrative Zone 3.

All AO examination timetable pages can be accessed by clicking on the Awarding Organisation logo below.  If the examinations series you require is not listed, do not worry. It’s simply a case that the AO is yet to publish it.  Please note that AOs occasionally publish ‘Provisional’ timetables but these can be subject to change prior to the AO releasing its ‘Final’ timetable.

Just click on AO logo below to access their timetables.