More Than Just a Fees List

As we draw to the end of a very busy Summer 2024 examination series, our attention now turns towards preparing for the forthcoming academic year where we anticipate another significant year-on-year upturn in exam entries.

Many of you too will be contemplating studying a subject(s), beginning this September, with a view to taking exams in 2024/25 or 2025/26. Have you thought about which Awarding Organisation (AO) subject specification best meets your needs? Were you aware that most subjects are offered by more than one AO? Would it surprise you to know that ‘core subjects’ ie English Language, Mathematics, Sciences etc are offered by all five AOs? eg AQA, Cambridge International, Eduqas, OCR and Pearson Edexcel.

arc exams host subject examinations for the vast majority of subjects offered by all AOs. To help decide which AO subject specification is best suited to you, our Fees List, available in a downloadable PDF format, has a unique feature to guide and inform you.

AO specification codes, numbering over 400 in total, are shown against each qualification level/subject that arc exams currently offers.

Simply click on a specification code and you will be automatically directed to the AO website area detailing a wealth of useful information pertaining to that specification ie Syllabus Specification, Support/Resource Materials, Past Papers to name but a few. This allows you to easily compare and contrast prior to deciding which specification best meets your studying/learning needs.

But that’s not all….

In August, arc exams will be collating Summer 2024 grade analysis published by AOs, enabling you to view qualification/subject market share and, most importantly, compare how subject grade distributions vary between each AO. For example, in Summer 2023 one AO awarded 33.7% of GCSE English Language candidates a Grade 7 or above. In contrast another AO awarded just 3.4% of candidates the same grades!

So be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn to ensure you get timely sight of this analysis that you won’t find anywhere else.

We very much hope the information we provide, either via our Fees List or other publications, assists you in your learning journey. We welcome all feedback so please let us know what you think. If there are any subjects you would like to sit, that do not feature in our Fees List, please feel free to email us or, alternatively, call us on 0121 777 9444 to have a chat about your requirements.