arc exams routinely challenges and reviews the way we interact with our customers and partners alike to ensure the process of entering exams is as simple and straightforward as it can be, and that we communicate with you in a safe, secure and timely way.
Last Autumn we introduced an updated online application form, enabling us to readily capture all information required to successfully enter your examination entries with Awarding Organisations.
Around the same time, we started thinking about how we could better communicate with our customers in a safe and secure manner. The result is a personalised online examination portal doing just that, launched in the Spring and available to every candidate sitting examinations with us this Summer, and beyond. Weโve christened it arch, the arc hub!
Put simply, arch is a safe and secure platform, easily accessible by username/password, allowing us to store and share information that specifically relates to any aspect of your examination entries e.g. examination timetable, joining instructions, pre-release materials. And, most importantly, examination results! All information. Stored In. One place. 24/7.
Each time we place a document/communication in your portal you will receive an email notification, sent to the email address you supplied on your online application form. For those candidates entering with us via a 3rd party i.e. Distance Learning Provider, we will send it to the email address the 3rd party has provided to us on your behalf.
We have had an incredibly positive response to arch from our candidates using it this summer and we are looking forward to sharing it with our customers in future years. If youโre intending to sit examinations during 2024/25 why not email us or call on 0121 777 9444 to discuss your assessment requirements. We would love to hear from you! Alternatively feel free to visit our website for further information.
arc exams Team