
Here at The Adult Enrichment Centre we are always looking to improve the experience and level of service offered to our customers.  We’re working on a number of initiatives at present, many of which will be announced later this year.  However, our most recent work has focussed on reviewing the subjects we offer and simplifying the examination fees we charge, presenting them in a simple, accessible and straightforward format.

When setting examination entry fees we take many factors into consideration; The number of examination papers sat for each specification, the time allowance for each paper, expected candidate/invigilator ratios, speaking test requirements, ir required, and whether there any non-examined assessment is involved.  We also standardise each subject entry fee, irrespective of the Awarding Organisations (AO) entered with despite them charging different fees.

The result of our endeavours?  A new Fees List, in downloadable PDF format, detailing all of the qualification/subject specifications we currently cater for.  Highlights of our new Fees List include:

Transparent Pricing – The price you see is the price you pay.  In short it covers the cost of making the exam entry with the Awarding Organisation (AO), assessing you for each component of the subject specification ie exams papers/submission of non-examined assessment and posting exam certificates to you, via a tracked service, to all UK based addresses.

Fair Pricing – Fees are reviewed annually and are priced to reflect the assessment/administrative costs associated with each specification as well as providing sufficient margin to ensure all Adult Enrichment Centre staff receive a fair wage as well as enabling us to re-invest in services that will benefit you, the customer.  We also strive to ensure our fees are competitive and match service delivery expectations

Specification Links –  A brand new feature, unique to Adult Enrichment Centre Exams!  Awarding Organisation(s) specification numbers, over 410 in total, are quoted against each level/subject assessment that Adult Enrichment Centre Exams offer. Simply click on a specification code and you are automatically directed to the AO website area detailing a wealth of useful information pertaining to that specification (Syllabus Content, Support Materials, Past Papers etc)

Examination Timetables – Links to scheduled Examination Timetables for each Awarding Organisation, showing exam dates/sessions for each subject paper, are provided enabling you to plan and prepare for your assessments.

Associated Examination Fees – The fees we charge to support delivery of examinations ie Mock Exams, Enquiries about Results etc)

We very much hope you see the benefits of our new ‘all inclusive’ Fees List, please feel free to provide feedback and let us know if it meets your needs.  Or not!  If there are any subjects that are not listed, but you would like to sit them with us, please feel free to email us or, alternatively, call us on 0121 777 9444.  We’d be happy to discuss your requirements.