A Level Science – Practical Endorsements Are Go!

As part of our continuing journey to offer the very best in examination assessment, we have some really exciting news, particularly if you are looking to take A Level Science examinations next Summer and beyond.

arc exams are delighted to announce they and BioGrad Education have formed a unique collaboration, to offer all private candidates the opportunity to undertake their A Level Science Practical work in Birmingham. As pioneers of A Level Science Practical Endorsement (PE) related teaching and assessment for candidates outside of mainstream education, BioGrad Education have delivered elite and intensive courses since 2014. This collaboration melds arc exams assessment expertise and BioGrad Educationโ€™s unparalleled CPAC know-how, for the benefit of all candidates.

arc exams dedicated laboratory, situated here (near to Birmingham city centre), will host a total of 15 courses enabling candidates to undertake the minimum 12 practicalโ€™s required for the Practical Endorsement (PE). Seven Biology, six Chemistry and two Physics PE courses will be held between January and April 2024.

Each course will be delivered over five days, Monday to Friday (09:30 -16:00), the final day usually reserved for writing up a full and contemporaneous record of all practical work completed; a requirement of the Practical Endorsement Pass outcome.  The exception to this is Chemistry where the final practical is delivered on the morning of Day 5 with the write up completed thereafter.

Our newly created website page contains all the Practical Endorsement information you require; subject course dates, fees and how to apply. Places are offered on a first-come, first-served basis, limited to 15 places per course.  To secure your place why not apply now?